Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Another Payday!

Congratulations, you have received money!  That is the message that I got from my PayPal account just recently. I opened that e-mail and boy did it make me feel good. I get this message each month now but each time I still get that feeling of being special.  I am sure that you know the feeling, when you scratch that lottery ticket and discover that you have just won $1000.00.

One of my biggest earners is Big Crumbs.  All I have to do here is buy stuff thru them that I already buy every month anyway.  If I need some sporting goods, I don't drive thirty miles to the sporting goods store, I turn on my computer and log into Big Crumbs and make my order.  In a few days it arrives at my door and in some cases the shipping is free.  The next month I get an amount equal to a percentage of the amount I spend.  That amount can be anywhere from Wal-Mart at 1% to Web Hosting companies at 28%.  Wal-Mart always has free shipping when you use the "Site to Store" feature.

How do I do this, you ask?  Well I log into Big Crumbs then go to the company that has what I am buying and make my purchase.  If I want to I can compare prices from several stores before I buy.  I like this in that I can go to the store in question and see the item in question and see if item is what I want. I have found items cheaper than Wal-Mart shopping this way.  Here in our are we have to drive 30 miles to shop at any store other than Wal-Mart or Dicks Sports.

Not only do I get a pay day each month I save money, gas,and time on what I purchase.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pumpkin Festival

Well we can now know that fall has arrived, The Hartsburg Pumpkin Festival has come and gone.  I had the good  fortune to attend this year and was it ever crowded.  I would estimate the crowd at around 20,000 people on Saturday the 9th of October.  I'm sure that it was just as crowded on Sunday also.

Hartsburg Missouri, population 182, is located in the Missouri River bottoms about twenty miles upriver from Jefferson City and on Missouri's longest park, The KATY Trail Park.  Each year in October, for two days, that population explodes to over 50,000 with the onset of the pumpkin harvest.  The soil here is very fertile and grows some big pumpkins.  Corn and Soybeans are also grown here in this valley.

My wife and I arrived about 10:00 AM on a sunny day with the temps supposed to be in the lower 80s. The first area that had been set aside for parking was full and the traffic was lined back about 3/4 mile outside town.  We were thirty minutes in line to get through town to another parking lot. (we were lucky later in day people were in line an hour to get parked.) We parked about a 1/4 mile from the downtown are and started walking and looking at vendor booths, there was a lot, about 180 I think.  There were sellers of funnel cakes, corn on the cob, kettle corn (popcorn), jellies, jams, Apple butter and a bunch of other things that I don't have room to list here.

They had rides for the children and the children at heart,  there was music and apple butter making demos.  A parade and even a King for a day crowning.  There was woodworking crafts demos, pen making booths, quilts for sale.

I really enjoyed this and will try to go back next year.  If you get to you should go next year, or at least drop by their web site here.

Another place along the KATY Trail that has a lot going on during October is Herman MO, an old German river town that has several vineyard and wineries.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Bait and switch?

Twice now I have had Wal-Mart switch the price of an item on me.  Let me explain,

A couple of weeks ago I went to buy a can of Folgers Coffee, I picked up a can from a shelf that had a price marked of $6.98.  I finished my shopping and when I went to check out the check-out clerk rang up a price of $8.48, I called her on it and she left the cash reg and went back into the store,no word or anything.  Soon she came back and told me I was a lier it was marked with the 8 dollar price.

Last weekend I was again shopping there and saw a box on a skid with apples in it the sign on the box had them listed as "$2.00each" I got a bag and when I went to check out the clerk charged $6.45 cents.  I called his hand on it and he called a supervisor who went back in the back room of the store and came back stating that they were $2.00 per pound.  She never even checked the box that they were in.

So if you are ever in Fulton Missouri and want to shop at wal-mart number 51, my advise is to drive on by they want to cheat you.  They tried to me anyway.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Will this be the results of Obama's public health care ?

Isaiah James May, May die on January 27 if Canadian Government has it's way.  This young man, born Oct 24 2009, has lived through a very hard birthing.  He is now living with the assist of life support but, according to mother he is ablbe to do several of the things that the doctors said he would never be able to.  simple things to us, like moving his hands and legs, wetting his diapers, opening his eyes responding to outside stimulus.   You see he was deprived of oxygen during the traumatic birth.

The Alberta Health Services has determined that the plug should be pulled on little Isaiah.  Apparently the publicly  funded, government health insurance no longer wants to foot the bill.  But you can read all about this in the latest of World Net Daily, here.

Friends of the family have put up a Facebook page for little Isaiah and his family to receive support.

On another note, What is to become of the President's agenda now that the Democrats no longer  over run the other side?  I heard today that VP Biden's son has now said he will not run for his dad's seat.  I wonder why?  How do you think the elections will go this fall?  I see that Mr Obama has decide that it is so much easier to campaign than to actually run the country.  Of course he did inherit a lot from the past administrations.  He has hinted that he is not unlike Kennedy (John F) in some ways, if that is so I wish he would get rid of the Federal Reserve system so that we would not have these money problems.  Kennedy tried it but got himself assassinated for it.  Maybe that is what Obama is afraid of too.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Safe Schools?

Obama's 'safe schools' chief behind 'gay' propaganda play
Uses violent death of college student to condemn biblical view as hateful.
This appeared as a headline in a newsletter I subscribe to and I wanted to pass it along to you all to let you see what kind of people we are getting in our government these days.  If you want to read the article then use this link. This guy is one who, as the newsletter points out, wants to make homosexuality proper in all our schools.  He promotes a play, in schools, that protrays church leaders as bigots because they teach what the bible has to say about homosexuals.

He pushes the "The Laramie Project" and if you haven't seen it don't bother it is packed full of lies.  It tries to get you to believe that the homosexual student was killed because he was homosexual when in really he was killed by drug users during a robbery of him.

So why is this guy so bent on pushing his corrupt agenda in our schools?  He is part of the culture that is to be in control when the world is in it's last seven years before judgment day.

Anyway why don't you check out some readings on this for yourself and then you will be armed if your drama dept at your school wants to put on some of these plays or use some of Mr Jennings books on his reading list.  I have started to read some of them and they are simply PORN.

Mr Jennings Bio

You can find some of the handouts that Mr Jennings endorses here

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I Resolve.......

Did you start out this year with that sentence?  I did but you know it was just one thing this year, to be me.

It started on Thursday afternoon, my Granddaughter stopped by and picked up the cat, cute black devil, but dangerous, she almost tore my hand off couple weeks ago just cause she didn't want to go home.  My hand is healed now but she still gives me the evil eye whenever she goes by. I thought Elephants were the ones with the long memory.

Dang got away from the story.  I got busy and got the snacks ready for the P A R T Y.  Stepson and his wife came over around 6PM and we got the P A R T Y started. Root BEER, coke, cheese, and crackers. Cleared off the table and the Canasta game started.  Everyone started getting sleepy around ten so we put up the cards and turned the Wii on.  played a few rounds of golf, then went bowling.  It must have been around the middle of the third round when the clock made that turn across 12 and about 15 min later some noticed that we were in another year already.

I guess my resolution is still ok even if I did miss Mid-nite. Anyway I will be me for the remainder of 2010 or they put the dirt in my face.  Part of being me is to try harder to get these posts out to you weekly so you can keep up with what I'm doing here in the Ozark hills of Missouri.

This week I am upset with how them dang democrats are trying to be sneaky and shove the health care bill down the throats of the ones trying to look out for us Seniors.  And the dang AARP ain't helping things either.

I sure ain't going to vote for none of them underhanded McCasskels or Carnahands. they are just out to line their pockets and to heck with the people. I kinda wish 2012 would get here so I could vote against the dictator in the whit house again.

Wow I sure  do love this freedom of speech and you can bet I am going to use it til the white house destroys the Bill of Rights.