went to an Auto Show down at the Lake of the Ozarks Saturday and almost melted, it was so hot. The Auto show is an annual affair and the temperature was in the mid nineties. They close the highway that runs through town and line the Autos up and down the strip. The show runs all day and the street is asphalt so the sun made it a really hot time. There were well over 1000 vehicles on display, from motorcycles to partly restored pre-30s vehicles, to street rods. There were even some modified new Dodges and Fords there. I even seen a couple of Studebaker s.
As I said above, this is an annual affair so if next year you find yourself in the neighborhood stop by and check out the workman ship of these pieces of art. If you are near the middle of Missouri the lake is just forty miles southwest of Jefferson City, the capital,or 200 miles northeast of Springfield. If you like good fishing good eating then you will love this place, oh by the way it's pretty around here also.