Now for New Years my son and his wife are coming over and we will play games and talk til midnight then we will wish each a very happy and prosperous new year then they will go home and Sara and I will go to bed happy and contented as we start another year together.
I am really looking forward to my birthday this year as I don't know how many more I will get to celebrate. Of course when you get to our age you rejoice with every passing day. I really have been blessed this past year and I hope that we can have a few more anyway.
It looks like Obama care will become a reality so I am glad that I have some good insurance from my retirement maybe I will outlive the effects of it. I know for sure that the Senator from my are will not get my vote next year when she comes up for reelection. I guess now he will go after our guns then he can be another Castro. I did not vote for him and if we are allowed to vote when he comes up I will not vote for him then either.
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