Thursday, June 4, 2009

Be gone a few days

Wanted to drop in and let you know that I will not be here for a few days, i painting my house and it it taking up a lot of my day.
A note before I leave want to say a little about what some idiots around here are up to of late. The sorry asses defaced a piece of history in our town over the weekend. As some of you know we are the keepers of a piece of the "Iron curtain" that Winston Churchill spoke of in his speech he made here in the mid forties. A relative of his made a sculpture of a part of the Berlin Wall and had it displayed here as a tributary to here uncle. Anyway vandals spray painted Churchill's stature and the walls of the 17th century church that was brought here from London as a museum and memorial to Winston Churchill.
The police are looking for the sorry s.o.b.s and when they are caught they should be hung from the seventh street bridge by their gonads, personal opinion there. It will cost several thousand dollars to clean up the mess they caused.

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