Monday, January 25, 2010

Will this be the results of Obama's public health care ?

Isaiah James May, May die on January 27 if Canadian Government has it's way.  This young man, born Oct 24 2009, has lived through a very hard birthing.  He is now living with the assist of life support but, according to mother he is ablbe to do several of the things that the doctors said he would never be able to.  simple things to us, like moving his hands and legs, wetting his diapers, opening his eyes responding to outside stimulus.   You see he was deprived of oxygen during the traumatic birth.

The Alberta Health Services has determined that the plug should be pulled on little Isaiah.  Apparently the publicly  funded, government health insurance no longer wants to foot the bill.  But you can read all about this in the latest of World Net Daily, here.

Friends of the family have put up a Facebook page for little Isaiah and his family to receive support.

On another note, What is to become of the President's agenda now that the Democrats no longer  over run the other side?  I heard today that VP Biden's son has now said he will not run for his dad's seat.  I wonder why?  How do you think the elections will go this fall?  I see that Mr Obama has decide that it is so much easier to campaign than to actually run the country.  Of course he did inherit a lot from the past administrations.  He has hinted that he is not unlike Kennedy (John F) in some ways, if that is so I wish he would get rid of the Federal Reserve system so that we would not have these money problems.  Kennedy tried it but got himself assassinated for it.  Maybe that is what Obama is afraid of too.

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